Protelligent Blog

10 Reminders for National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Written by Christopher George | Oct 20, 2017 12:31:15 PM

Each October, the Department of Homeland Security spearheads a campaign to remind businesses and individuals of the importance of cybersecurity. This campaign, known as National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), is designed to provide internet security education, as well as the tools and resources needed for internet safety. With an average total data breach cost of $7.35 million, protecting your data from a cyber attack is crucial to business longevity.
Protelligent® knows the importance of a developing a strong cybersecurity policy. We are dedicated to helping businesses integrate security solutions that will prevent a malicious attack. As part of Protelligent’s commitment to safeguarding your business against cyber attacks, we have compiled the following 10 reminders to help ensure your information is protected from cyber criminals.

  1. Limit vulnerabilities by ensuring operating systems, web browsers and security software are updated regularly. Updating your devices and software to the most recent versions helps protect you from attackers who are looking for known vulnerabilities.
  2. Use stronger authentication, which is available on most major email, social media and financial accounts. This authentication often requires verification via a one-time code delivered to a registered email address or via text to a mobile device, which helps verify the account is being accessed by an authorized user.
  3. Never click on links in an email or in social media posts that look suspicious, even if you know the sender or poster. Cyber criminals use these links to gain access to your account information, and then pass the infected link on to your contact list.
  4. Use complex passwords that are a minimum of eight characters and include a combination of numbers, symbols and letters. Use a different password for each account, and never share your username or password with anyone. You can find more information on creating a strong password on the Department of Homeland Security’s website.
  5. Secure your WiFi network by changing the factory default username and password settings. This helps ensure cybercriminals will not be able to gain access to connected devices.
  6. Create a copy of all important work. Utilize both electronic (cloud) and physical back-ups to prevent data from being lost due to malfunction, viruses or theft.
  7. Lock your devices when they are not in use and never leave them unattended in a public place.
  8. Report suspicious activity or unusual problems with your device to your IT Department. Computer or network vulnerabilities can also be reported to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) at or by calling 888-282-0870.
  9. Limit the information you share online and use privacy settings to prevent information from being made public. Avoid accessing bank accounts from a public computer or WiFi network.
  10. Verify website security by ensuring website URLs start with “https.” Type URLs directly into the address bar rather than clicking on links or pasting them from an email.

Data breach attempts are not limited to large businesses, in fact small business makes up 43% of the target base, with 60% of those companies going out of business within 6 months of the data breach. If not properly protected, your systems and software can be a gateway for cyber criminals to launch an attack. Protelligent’s Premonition Security Suite provides a collaborative and responsive security platform specifically designed to assess your security needs and rapidly respond to threat activity.
Learn more about how Protelligent’s Premonition Security Suite can level the playing field for your organization or contact us today at (855) PRO-TELL.