Protelligent Blog

What You Need to Know About Cloud Backup and Cloud Storage

Written by Christopher George | Jan 13, 2017 10:15:35 AM

If you are looking for a cloud service provider, you have come across the terms “cloud backup” and “cloud storage.” Many people use these terms interchangeably, unaware of the difference between the services. While there are similarities between the two, such as the ability to upload information to a location outside of your computer, then later access the uploaded information, the differences are important to remember.
What is Cloud Storage?
Cloud storage is designed to protect files on a storage service outside your own system. Cloud storage services, such as Drop Box and Google Drive are designed to primarily store data in a manner that allows easy access and sharing among multiple users and/or devices. Think of them as an online flash drive, you can take it anywhere (they are accessible via internet), share them with multiple users, and allow your designated users to view or edit the files you choose to share with them.
With cloud storage, a user must manually select the files to be uploaded to the cloud and sync all other devices. If a file is accidentally overwritten, deleted, or is corrupted, it is no longer accessible to any user. Additionally, previous versions of a file cannot be recovered unless a newer version is given a different name, (i.e. File and File2). With the increase in ransomware attacks and payments, experts even predict that cloud storage may be under attack from ransomware in the future.
What is Cloud Backup?
As opposed to cloud storage, cloud backup is designed to make a copy of the files on your computer and save them to a secure online server. Information saved to a cloud backup service is encrypted, ensuring all data is secure and protected, even in the event of theft, flood, fire or ransomware attack. While backup also allows you to access your files from anywhere on any device, you must have the software client of the online backup service in order to decrypt the saved data.
Cloud backup services also run as a background service, creating automatic backups of your files without interrupting other processes. While they run as a continuous service creating backups as changes are made, they also retain previous versions allowing for restoration of an earlier file if needed. Additionally, files deleted from your computer are still available on the backup.
Which is right for you?
Determining which cloud solution is right for you depends on which service better suits your needs. If you are simply looking for a way to store and share data, a cloud storage service is adequate. Anything other than a simple store and share requires the security of a Cloud Backup solution.

Cloud Storage
  • Files are not encrypted
  • Requires manual upload
  • Files can be over-written, deleted or corrupted
  • Previous versions are not retained and restorable
Cloud Backup
  • Files encrypted to ensure information is secure
  • Files automatically backed up on a schedule
  • Files deleted from computer are still available on cloud backup
  • Continuous monitoring for changes
  • Previous versions retained and restorable
  • Runs as a background service that doesn’t interrupt activity

Which is right for you?
Protelligent’s Cloud Backup | CloudDR™ service offers a multi-layered solution with backup, replication and rapid restoration. Whatever the instance, from a deleted file to a major disaster, our combination approach delivers 100% business continuity.
Local backup and restore creates a complete, encrypted backup of your data and systems that resides on your servers for rapid recovery in the event of data loss. If local recovery is not an option, your complete, encrypted backup is replicated to Protelligent’s secure data centers. This ensures data recovery anywhere there is internet connectivity. Finally, in the event of a major disaster such as fire, flood or theft, with cloud restoration, your entire environment can be restored to Protelligent’s secure, private cloud, allowing your staff to get back to work quickly with minimum data loss. Click here to learn more about how Protelligent’s Cloud Backup can help your business, or call (855) PRO-TELL.