5 Reasons to Utilize the Cloud for Your Business

With the ever-increasing reliance on technology in the business environment and the fast-paced world of on-the-go meetings, it is essential that businesses are able to implement IT solutions that will help them quickly and efficiently store, secure, and access client information.
Through the use of cloud computing services, businesses are able to quickly store, retrieve and utilize client data without being tied to their desks. Additionally, the cloud can help provide small businesses with the technological solutions necessary to help maximize their business potential. There are five primary reasons to consider migrating your business operations to the cloud.

  1. Eliminates Up-front Infrastructure Investments: With the ability to utilize cloud computing technology solutions as a service, companies can now shift the expenses of their IT departments from a capital expense to an operational expense. This shift has eliminated the necessity for substantial, up-front hardware expenditures in exchange for monthly fees that make budgeting easier.Smaller monthly costs as opposed to large investments in IT infrastructure are beneficial to businesses in many ways, particularly their IT departments. By controlling costs and passing off the responsibility of equipment, upgrades and maintenance to an outside provider, IT departments are now free to focus on product and technological advances, as well as create strategies for growth and plan for the future, giving the company a competitive advantage.
  2. Efficient: Cloud services help users work together more efficiently by allowing the creation and editing of files from any location and device. The ability for multiple users to view, discuss and edit a document without being in the same room allows meetings to be scheduled at times that are convenient for all users. Employers also have the ability to limit what employees can access and track progress on individual assignments.
  3. Better Integration: Cloud services provide the ability to integrate with other cloud-based providers. This lets businesses integrate their back-office operations such as CRM (customer relationship management), accounting, payroll and marketing with other cloud-based solutions. The integration of these services gives business owners more time to focus on growing their business, and less time managing behind-the-scenes operations.
  4. Flexibility: With the increasing mobile business world, it is essential that work-related files are accessible at any time. Cloud computing allows more flexible working arrangements and gives employers the ability to hire remote workers. It also makes it easier for business owners to manage their operations from anywhere. Additional cost savings may also come in the form of employees utilizing their own electronic devices to work, rather than company-provided desktops.
  5. Security: Information stored within a cloud is not tied to the brick-and-mortar business location. With information stored off-site, there is a decreased risk of information being lost or stolen if something happens to the building. Most cloud services also provide encryption and additional security options to protect data against ransomware.

In a nutshell, cloud computing services have helped level the playing field for small businesses by giving them more freedom to work anywhere in the world, increase productivity and gain a competitive advantage. Protelligent’s Cloud Computing and Datacenter services provide the convenience, reassurance and security that small businesses need to maximize their business potential.
Contact Protelligent today to learn how our cloud computing services can help you by calling 855-PRO-TELL.

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