The upcoming holiday season is an increased opportunity for cyber criminals to deploy phishing attacks designed to gain information regarding your company and customers. These attacks can appear as notification emails that link to a spoofed site, emails from unknown contacts requesting follow up on a conversation or even false messages from a bank with account warnings or access alerts.
When a data breach occurs, it is often due to an employee following a malicious link within an email or responding to an email without verifying the return address is accurate. Regularly training employees on identifying and reporting phishing emails is an important part of business security. However, employee training alone does not help prevent further phishing attacks from happening.
Protelligent’s Premonition™ Security Suite works to protect your business against phishing by providing penetration testing and increasing organizational awareness.
Through penetration testing, our certified engineers simulate real-world techniques to replicate an attack and discover vulnerabilities in your security system. These tactics test beyond your standard network by extending to internally-developed applications, wireless access and mobile devices. Our testing procedures also look for vulnerabilities in the human element of your business. By utilizing phishing email simulations that entice your personnel, we are able to test their attack recognition.
Once testing is complete, we compile and analyze the report to determine what steps need to be taken to prevent the exploitation of any vulnerabilities we find. After implementing our recommended remediation steps, Protelligent® engineers once again test your systems and employees to ensure no weaknesses remain.
To make certain your people are fully prepared for potential phishing attacks, our Premonition Security Suite also offers organizational awareness. Our interactive, instructor-led tutorials cover a variety of security topics relevant to current cyber-threat trends.
Our Learning Management System-as-a-Service (LMSaaS) provides employees with progress tracking and end-of-course exams to demonstrate comprehension, as well as a certificate of successful completion. By utilizing our organizational awareness tools, you can be assured your staff is up to date on recognizing phishing attacks and preventing a data breach.
With Premonition Security Suite, you can level the playing field through a multi-layered security solution designed to help prevent vulnerabilities and effectively reduce your risk of cyber attacks. Additionally, you can improve operational efficiency by educating employees to ensure you do not fall victim to a phishing scam. Learn more about our Premonition Security Suite or call (855) PRO-TELL.
Is Your Company Ready for the Increased Phishing Attacks During the Holiday Season?

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