15 Reasons Not to Let Your Guard Down

During the lazy days of summer, don’t let your guard down. We’ve learned from recent events that hackers and attackers are still working as hard as ever and not breaking a sweat. Early 2017 predictions suggested 15 risks that we still need to be aware of, and staying ahead of these risks is more important than ever.

  1. Mobile Security has yet to reach the same levels as those of a desktop. Malware designed to specifically target mobile devices will continue to increase, requiring users to be more proactive in their security measures.
  2. Ransomware of Things (RoT) is the attack against IoT (Internet of Things). This concern focuses around the ability of cybercriminals to hijack a connected device, such as surveillance cameras, and demand a ransom before they will return access to the rightful user. Unfortunately, little has been done in on a large scale to deter RoT. It is up to you to adequately protect all devices that may be connected to your system.
  3. Next-gen security software creates a false sense of security. The differences between first-gen and next-gen software are more in the marketing of the product than the performance. Both products approach malware in similar ways, leveraging techniques that have been used in mainstream anti-malware for decades.
  4. Healthcare is still high on the cyber-criminal radar and new technology opens alternative doors for malicious activity. Security programs that are not properly implemented are unreliable and highly vulnerable. Detailed assessment, regular backups and a greater awareness of vulnerabilities is more important than ever.
  5. Vulnerabilities are one of the ways cyber criminals exploit security barriers. While overall instances of vulnerability attacks are decreasing, the number of “critical” vulnerabilities is increasing. Ensure your devices are kept up to date, and never update from a third-party provider.
  6. Third-party vendors often do not have the same level of security built into their systems. Until companies implement third-party risk management protocols and require their third-party partners to undergo the same level of security, the risk of exposure to threats remains high.
  7. Hackers don’t need experience. There are a variety of tools readily available to anyone who wants them. Whether someone is disgruntled, a career criminal or just wants to “try it out,” hacking tools are a simple way for them to make their mark and cost companies and individuals millions.
  8. Shortage of skilled IT security workers is an ongoing problem. Due to the large number of job opportunities as opposed to individuals willing to fill them, it is important to find a solution that does not require in-house IT security. Protelligent’s ManagedIT Complete fills the gap created by not having a security officer.
  9. Gaming environments have often been overlooked when discussing security. With gaming moving online and being accessed via mobile devices, cyber criminals have gravitated toward this popular platform. When big gaming companies are attacked, malware is deployed and gaming networks are forced offline. The increasing number of players, in-game monetary transactions and integrated networking of gaming consoles with computers poses increasing security challenges for the future.
  10. Attackers will grow bolder and smarter as they become more organized and commercialized. This organization is already becoming evident with fraudulent call centers and dating sites. They will set up base in countries where cyber crime isn’t held in high regard, leaving their victims without legal recourse or any way to prosecute. Their ability to write targeted code will improve at a rate greater than defending companies can get ahead of it.
  11. Breaches are becoming more complex as cyber criminals grow their activities using ransomware in more devious ways. Many security tools currently in use do not have the capability to look for anomalous behavior that will help them identify indicators of attack. The inability to quickly identify malicious activity can have a negative impact on a network.
  12. Data manipulation will begin to take the place of outright data theft. Attackers are expected to move from website hacking and data theft to attacking the integrity of the data on the site. When compared to data theft, data manipulation will cause long-term damage to the reputation of individuals as organizations begin to question the integrity of the data provided.
  13. Ransomware is predicted to grow by 25% during 2017 as it likely spreads to IoT devices, PoS systems and ATMs. Taking preventative precautions before an attack will protect you from the time and money it would cost to pay a ransom to retrieve your data.
  14. Cybersecurity legislation issues will continue as the legal challenges and complexities surrounding cybersecurity are deciphered. With varying opinions of what is right or wrong in the world of technology, creating a truly effective legislation that is capable of being applied and executed is a difficult feat.
  15. Threats to crucial infrastructure have devastating potential as they target vital assets that allow a country to function effectively. It is predicted cyber criminals will attempt to focus their attention on such attacks via the internet.

Maintaining an awareness of current cyber threats and staying up to date on emerging concerns can be a daunting task. Protelligent’s Premonition Security Suite provides the protection you need to keep your systems safe and attack-free. For more information, call (855) PRO-TELL.

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