5 Cloud Computing Predictions for 2025 You Need to Know

Make no mistake. Cloud computing is undeniably the way of the future. In fact, Gartner predicts 80% of organizations will be making a move towards the cloud’s efficiencies, stability, security and cost savings by 2025. Not to mention the International Data Corporation (IDC) says cloud-based spending will reach more than $200 billion in 2020.
So, what can we expect for cloud computing in the coming new year? Whether you’re planning migration or are already leveraging the efficiencies and cost savings of the cloud, here are the top 5 things to keep in mind.

    1. Cloud security is still a critical priority

The frequency and complexity of cyber attacks against cloud resources will continue to increase exponentially. Don’t let this intimidate your decision to capitalize on the many benefits of cloud. Our Premonition™ Security Suite proactively mitigates these risks by leveraging global-threat intelligence to continuously monitor, detect, investigate and rapidly respond to potential attacks and vulnerabilities.

    1. Cloud cost optimization

The RightScale 2019 State of the Cloud Report from Flexera estimates companies are wasting about 35% of their cloud spend. According to the report, only a few companies have implemented cost-containment measures that include automation, autoscaling, closing unused workloads and fully leveraging cloud-vendor discounts. Partnering with a cloud-management provider, like Protelligent®, can align cloud resources with your business goals and objectives, while ensuring the integrity of your budget.

    1. Hybrid cloud solutions will continue to increase

RightScale’s 2019 report also shows hybrid-cloud solutions have steadily increased over the last few years with 84% of companies currently using a multi-cloud strategy. As an AWS Select Consulting Partner, Protelligent has the knowledge and expertise to provide upfront planning and integration strategy, as well as cloud transitioning and migration. We also have the capabilities to deliver ongoing support and maintenance through our ManagedIT™ Complete offering.

    1. Serverless computing will expand

Serverless was the top growing extended-cloud service for the second year in a row, increasing 50% compared to 2018, according to the RightScale Report. Protelligent’s AWS Select Consulting Partnership positions us to not only design and manage serverless infrastructure, but also allows us to focus on adapting the environment to your company’s exact needs.

    1. Shortage of in-house expertise and resources will continue

The pay-scale increases in the most recent Robert Half Technology Salary Guide for tech workers with the latest skills in open source, cloud, big data, mobile and security show these positions will continue to be in high demand. This is where cloud-service providers like Protelligent can jump in and bridge the gap. We have the certified skills and expertise to act as your end-to-end IT team, work alongside your existing team or provide escalation services.

Industry experts agree that cloud initiatives will account for 70% of all tech spending by next year, and for good reason. Conducting business in the cloud is faster, cheaper and more productive than its legacy alternatives. Organizations will need to embrace cloud computing to stay competitive and generate new revenue. Whether you’ve already unlocked the potential of the cloud or are in the planning process, contact us at (855) PRO-TELL to gain a competitive advantage by getting the help you need, when you need it.



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